जम्मा चाहिएकाे संख्या |
७ |
काम गर्ने स्थान |
बुटवल उपमहानगरपालिका, रुपन्देही |
शिक्षा |
१०+२ उतिर्ण |
संस्था |
Gautam Energy Engg. Pvt.Ltd
चाहिने सीप |
अन्य, |
आवेदन म्याद |
२०७८-०७-२७, १२:०० |
काम सम्बन्धि विवरण |
Evaluates electrical systems, products, components, and applications by designing and conducting research programs; applying knowledge of electricity and materials.
Confirms system's and components' capabilities by designing testing methods; testing properties.
Develops electrical products by studying customer requirements; researching and testing manufacturing and assembly methods and materials.
Develops manufacturing processes by designing and modifying equipment for building and assembling electrical components; soliciting observations from operators.
Assures product quality by designing electrical testing methods; testing finished products and system capabilities. |